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The Wirecard Corporate Jungle - meet the brains of an incredible financial fraud

 Meet the criminal gang that developed the largest ever Pronographic Hub  for illegal Prostitution - Payment Gateway with virtual Credit cards and a Database of over  3,000,000 Prostitutes and customers worldwide - Wirecard everything is inclusive even the global Taxfraud giving its users milions of Euros illegal Profit, Money laundering and best of all FUN!

All recorded on THE LIST!

Erfahren Sie alles ueber die kriminelle Bande, die den größten pronografischen Hub für illegale Prostitution aller Zeiten entwickelt hat - Zahlungsgateway mit virtuellen Kreditkarten und einer Datenbank von über 3.000.000 Prostituierten und Kunden weltweit - Wirecard alles inklusive, selbst der globale Steuerbetrug, der seinen Nutzern Millionen von Euro illegalen Gewinn bringt und natuerlich Geld Waschen im grossen Stiel. Dazu noch Spaß haben!

 Alles auf DER LISTE aufgezeichnet!

Sources:,, Isaan News BdP, Der Spiegel, dpa, FT, and other resources from research by Correspondents B B (BdP), W H. (Isaan.Live)

The Insider Story, "The Fall of Wirecard, Fraud, Round-Tripping, Money Laundering, criminal activities, cover ups, Government involvements, the Corporate Structure and the Web of Lies"

get all the inside information here on - - daily updated - a web site of (c) - Member BdP ( Bundesverband deutscher Pressefotografen)


 The Insider Story Part 1 - History and Introduction...Commercial FRAUD since 2014...

...from Shooting Star to The Fall of Wirecard, Fraud, Round-Tripping, Money Laundering and the Web of Lies

It is not the first time, only now it is in Germany  ...more

The Insider Story Part 2 - in German and English

"Is it immoral to uncover fraud? " "Ist es unmoralisch, Betrug aufzudecken?“    ...more

The Insider Story Part 3 - Sex - Money - Credit Cards - Public Figures - the Wirecard Database and Network  ...more coming soon

Download the complete, updated Story in PDF (An ISAAN News Report)


Wirecard - Der Club - The Club

 The Insider Story Part 4 of an unbelievable but 100% true story - Die Insider Story Teil drei einer unglaublichen aber doch wahren Geschichte - - Click Flag below for Your Version or download pdf  Deutsch    English



The List

The Insider Story Part 5  , Jan Marsalek: Ich bin versichert! - I am INSURED ich habe die Liste! I have the LIST! Catch me of You can!

Insider Kreise haben erfahren ,Jan Marsalek besitzt eine Liste mit ueber 300,000 Namen und Daten bei Wirecard, fuehrenden deutschen und asiatischen Banken, mit detaillierte Daten ueber Geldwaesche Transaktionen  Individueller, Prominenter, Unternehmer, Unternehmen und Organisationen.  ...more  Download as PDF


The Insider Story Part 6

Shadows behind ...Sex - Money Laundering - Tax Fraud - Insider dealing... Report about key persons their real multi billon Euro business behind the scenes. Insider deals, Shortsellers  ...more

Daily News Updated

Find here below the latest about the Scandal and here the latest about the Key Figures


Source:Isaan News BdP 09.09.2020-10AM- UPDATE

Der dritte Mann lebt - Der ''kalte Krieg" ist zurueck - Marsalek und das Libya Gate - The third Man lives - Marsalek and the "cold war" in Austria


Source:Isaan News BdP 09.09.2020-10AM- UPDATE

Kompensation? Schadensersatz? Ein Traum! Compensation a dream!


Source:Isaan News BdP 09.09.2020-10AM- UPDATE

Das Luegengespinst schaedigt die Anleger - Investors harmed by lying Politicians


Source:Isaan News BdP 07.9.2020-10AM- UPDATE

The Supervisors - Die Aufseher - of a fraudulent DAX Enterprise


Source:Isaan News BdP 04.9.2020-10AM- UPDATE

CumEx-Panama Papers-Wirecard... und wer ist im Zentrum?..and Who Is in the Centre?


Source:Isaan News BdP 03.9.2020-10AM- UPDATE

Die Konsequenz fuer die geprellten Anleger - Nur der Anwalt verdient  ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 01.9.2020-10AM- UPDATE

Der Wirecard (Club) Untersuchungsausschuss -  die Zeitbombe  ...more

Thursday 03.09.2020 -

German State Attorney in trouble - was informed in 2010,2015,2019 but did not act  STAY WITH ISAAN NEWS  ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 31.8.2020-10AM- UPDATE

Insolvenz Verfahren - Sammelklagen - Rechtsstreit in Deutschland - Man bedenke bevor das Strafverfahren abgeschlossen ist gibt es gar nichts. Der Wirecard Betrug ist so tief verwurzelt, Politik, Banken, Investoren usw. bis das alles geklaert ist werden 10 Jahre vergehen. Milliadaere wie Markus Braun und Jan Marsalek haben sich das alles bereits mit Planung des Betruges ueberlegt  ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 27.8.2020-10AM- UPDATE

Delivery Hero im Dax: Diese Entscheidung ist fatal! Delivery Hero in the Dax: This decision is fatal!  Fraud and Failure Pre-Programmed! Versagen und Betrug Vor-programmiert  !

It is sealed: for the bankrupt Wirecard, the delivery service Delivery Hero is included in the German leading index. This decision is more than embarrassing. ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 26.8.2020-10AM

Wieso wollte Wirecard die Deutsche Bank schlucken? 

Während die Zweifel an der Seriosität von Wirecard wuchsen, erwog der Zahlungsabwickler einen großen Coup: Er , das Lieblings Finanzgenie der deutschen Politik, Jan Marsalek, plante, die größte deutsche Bank zu übernehmen ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 24.8.2020-10AM

Druck im Wirecard-Skandal wächst: EY geht es an den Kragen ! Pressure on E&Y in the Wirecard Scandal is growing - E&Y has to pay, faces bankruptcy 

Unqualifizierte Konsultants, Profit Gier, Anweisung von oben, alles blanko bestaetigen, Kunde  muss zufrieden sein ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 24.8.2020-10AM

Singapore weiss mit Kriminellen umzugehen, egal selbst mit Prominenten oder ....! Singapore understands how to handle criminals, no matter Celebrities or public figures...

Just 2 month into the scandal, they are in Court, nur 2 Monate vom Verdacht zum Gerichtsverfahren. ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 21.8.2020-10AM

Delivery Hero im Dax: Diese Entscheidung ist fatal! Delivery Hero in the Dax: This decision is fatal!

It is sealed: for the bankrupt Wirecard, the delivery service Delivery Hero is included in the German leading index. This decision is more than embarrassing. ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 21.8.2020-10AM

The Wirecard Card Solutions will be sold to the competitor Railsbank - BUT....Railsbank  stands under the suspicion to be an "old buddy of Wirecard Genius Marsalek!"


Source:Isaan News BdP 31.7.2020-10AM

Almost Half Of Wirecard’s Debt Stemmed From SoftBank’s $1B Investment - How deep is Softbank involved in this Scandal - Fraud ?

SoftBank executives stood to profit personally from last year’s deal. ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 01.08.2020-10AM

 Bafin in the middle

Fraud and Lies with no -  End Wirecard has prepared the fraud for a long time - Bafin must have known about it. BaFin had the overview or looked away for reasons. Now - ex-employees start talking - BaFin was informed by MAS of Singapore several Years ago!

The fraudulent manipulations at Wirecard have been running for around 15 years. An ex-board member also states that he informed the supervisory board in 2008. Isaan News, the independent news agency, received insider information from a resource in Singapore already in 2015 and Singapore authorities started investigations. At the same time the Singapore authorities also informed German authorities, supposedly BaFin and the Finance Ministry! ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 31.7.2020-10AM

Fraud and no End -A Wirecard app for refugees: Asylum seekers should receive their basic care via a "refugee card" that works like an ATM card - A perfect Money Laundering Machine!

Did Wirecard want to use its good contacts in domestic politics to introduce an app for payments from asylum seekers? ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 31.7.2020-10AM

Wirecard's scam tries to get user data with the so-called emergency and patient app.

Wirecard uses its huge software development team for developments that can be used for further data fraud. Wirecard Technology has hundreds of applications on Google Play listed under hundreds of invented company names  ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 25.7.2020-10AM

His real talents criminal - Thanks to Wirecard's Erotic Massage Services move to MyDirtyHobby, Pornhub (plus Wirecards dark net VPN) & Big7

Massage Studio’s are moving to the (Wirecard's) Virtual Online Space thanks to Wirecard’s Bank and some porn portals registered in Cyprus, Gibraltar and the US, using also Paxum CCards and others, a real criminal network built up, using dark net VPN services on wirecards Datacenter in Munich,  read the ISAAN NEWS EXCLUSIVE REPORT and Interviews with massage studios in Germany during Corona shut down!   ...more


Thursday 23.July 20 -

German State Attorney (see Video) arrests Burkhard Ley and von E. as well again Markus Braun, keep them in custody - NO BAIL - for commercially conducting criminal association sponsored FRAUD - more INDICTMENTS are coming - STAY WITH ISAAN NEWS  ...more - or see ISAAN.Live for ...more and register for PUSH NEWS 


It is ALL about politics - Former German Defense Minister Guttenberg's "Investment" company advised Wirecard on the acquisition of Allscore Payment services ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 18.7.2020

Chancellery Merkel is said to have helped Wirecard on entry to the Chinese market. A TOP SECRET document Content - Wirecard's Business with China, supported by the German Government

In February 2019, Scholz already knew all about the Wirecard's ,so did the Chancellery, it is most unlikely BaFin did not know, most likely BaFin is involved ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 17.7.2020

What is Scholz's real involvement? Although he knew already about the Problems with Wirecard, he still had thru his State Secretary Wolfgang Schmidt Wirecard promoted , also within the Government!

In February 2019, Scholz already knew all about the Wirecard's Problems, he sure knew the background of Braun and Marsalek, still he ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 17.7.2020

Finance State Secretary Jörg Kukies spoke with the then Wirecard boss Markus Braun, about a KPMG report and Wirecard's China Business, this was already early 2019.  From the KPMG report everybody ( including Olaf Scholz) knew already that something was very wrong with Wirecard...more


German Finance Minister Scholz had known about Manipulations since February 2019

Others i.e. BaFin already MUCH earlier. A report shows how early the Finance Minister was informed about Wirecard, now MPs are calling for an investigation ...more


Scholz remains loyal to EY despite the Wirecard scandal

Despite being involved in the Wirecard scandal, EY continues to work for corporations with federal participation. A new order could come from Telekom. ...more

Wirecard's "AsiaGate" - Asia Connection - Christopher Bauer-Carlos&Brigitte Haeuser

Wirecard was apparently able to build up a Ring of ex-employees, count on them to support their illicit plans ...more

Wirecard's Round-Tripping Scam with Singapore and Luxembourg Companies

A company in Singapore, oCap Management, formerly Senjo Trading, with MD Carlos Haeuser, a former Wirecard Executive , started to offer cash advantages in Singapore in Nov 2018 ...more

Singapore extends investigation into Wirecard Scandal with Citadel & Senjo Group

After IsaanLive reported last Thursday extensively on the Round-Tripping with Senjo Group based in Singapore, the Singapore authorities are expanding their investigation into the Wirecard scandal. ...more

Another Raid on 5 Wirecard Offices - Shares collapse - Marsalek still still a wanted fugitive

Dozens of Police, Customs, DEA, Prosecutors raided Office Buildings in Germany and Austria to find evidence for bogus transactions and revenues in the middle East, Asia  ...more

Philippines AMLC want to examine dubious Wirecard partner companies - arrest warrant -

The Philippine ant-money-laundering-agency AMLC is investigating Centurion Online Payment International, PayEasy Solutions and ConePay International for a multi billion Dollar fraud ...more

Requirements have been imposed by UK FCA on Wirecard's Authorisation - under investigation

Wirecard put under Authorizaton and Supervision under the UK EMRs 2011, to issue e-money and provide payment services. Wirecard under investigation by the Feds as well ...more

Deutsche Bank is considering taking over Wirecard Bank

The Bank is examining possible financial aid in coordination with BaFin, the insolvency administrator of Wirecard AG ...more

Wirecard Shares on the way of Becoming a Penny Stock !

Wirecard has filed for bankruptcy and the business, or what is left of it belongs to the creditors ...more

Thousand’s of Payoneer Mastercard Holders still Affected by Wirecard UK and can’t Access their Funds in Pakistan Bangladesh & Balkan countries....more


Wirecard : Informs Clients & B2B Partners about current Business Operations

As announced on Thursday, 25 June 2020, the Management Board of Wirecard AG has filed an application for opening of insolvency proceedings on behalf of Wirecard AG with the competent Munich Local Court ...more

Irish Police Raid Wirecard’s Dublin Offices

The investigation into Wirecard AG, the German electronic payment transfer company, has expanded to Ireland and should soon hit Wirecard UK’s office in Newcastle ...more

Source:Isaan News BdP 21.7.2020

There is a lot wrong with Fintech Companies, Wirecard is only one example, Fraud and Money Laundering!

Companies that sit like parasites on global cash flows are they fundamentally susceptible to unethical behavior? YES, FinTech an invention of a new Generation, who has no education in real banking and money management ...more MCO Visa Cards Suspended After Spectacular Collapse of Wirecard Solutions!

The primary issuer of the popular visa debit card for the  EU region, will leave those users with frozen cards and an uncertain future  ...more

Breaking News : Boon Planet and Apple Pay affected by Wirecard Insolvency

Card is no longer accepted during payment processes. Payment was also declined when using Apple Pay with boon. ...more

Holvi Mastercard temporarily suspended due to Wirecard insolvency

Wirecard put under Authorizaton and Supervision under the UK EMRs 2011, to issue e-money and provide payment services. Wirecard under investigation by the Feds as well ...more

Uber competitor Grab puts partnership with Wirecard on hold

The Asian rideshare service Grab said on Friday informed that the partnership with Wirecard was put on hold until further notice ...more

Breaking News : Visa and Mastercard want to end cooperation with Wirecard

According to insiders, the credit card providers Visa and Mastercard are considering terminating their business relationships with the payment service provider Wirecard ...more

Wirecard’s Merchant Cash Advance Scam in Brazil & Turkey

In November 2018 Wirecard claimed it had launched a new Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) Product and in both May and June 2019, Wirecard told analysts that at least 33% (€133M) was in Turkey and Brazil ...more

Six Wirecard subsidiaries file for Bankruptcy – Balance Sheet Fraud has been going on since 2014

The Wirecard balance sheet scandal seems to be taking on ever larger dimensions. According to a media report, the management team planned the fraud years ago – this also increases the pressure on the supervisory bodies. Six subsidiaries have also filed for bankruptcy. ...more

Wirecard Shares Turns into a Toxic Gambling Stock with Takeover Rumors

After falling to € 1.28 on Friday, the Wirecard share rears up again today and briefly made the jump above the € 4.00 mark but investors shouldn’t be happy too soon. ...more

Wirecard Fallout hits a number of Fintechs and their customers

Wirecard was a troubled company at least that was the lesson of the past week, but Wirecard also had a core that actually existed – that is the painful experience for hundreds of thousands of European Fintech customers. ...more

The Wirecard case reveals a huge system failure by Ernst & Young – EY

Germans fell for a huge fraud. Until June 18, Wirecard was considered a beacon of hope for the economy, which had made it into the German share index Dax. ...more

Drafts for the report that KPMG's auditors prepared between October 2019 and April 2020 about the technology group Wirecard were rewritten several times - fraud written all over it.   ...more

SdK files criminal charges against Wirecard auditor Ernst & Young GmbH (EY)

The Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger (SdK) filed a criminal complaint against two incumbent and one former auditor of Ernst & Young GmbH. ...more

Wirecard Bankruptcy attracts Private Equity Funds and Competitors

The French payment processor Worldline also is conidering making a bid on Wirecard AG including all it’s subsidiaries. Worldline had only taken over the competitor Ingenico in February for almost eight billion Euros. ...more

Cyan AG affected by Wirecard insolvency – Cyan shares fall by more than 30 percent

Cyan AG has receivables from a Wirecard AG subsidiary, Wirecard Technologies GmbH, in the amount of EUR 5.0 million ...more

Draft...more News will follow daily

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